Milan Kundera: um escritor contra o totalitarismo


Morreu, anteontem, Milan Kundera.

Não foi um escritor qualquer.

Foi um filho da “belle époque” e das contradições do século XX, perpassado, desde o golpe de 1917, por utopias radicais de orientação messiânica.

O racionalismo exacerbado, e sem limites éticos, pode levar deveras à loucura, ao domínio do partido-Estado e ao genocídio.

Kundera era, sobretudo, um opositor do totalitarismo, que viu a burocracia soviética a sufocar, em Agosto de 1968, todas as esperanças da comovente Primavera de Praga e das tentativas de liberalização do regime, levadas a cabo por Dubček.

Exilou-se, desiludido, em Paris, onde havia liberdade e as condições civilizacionais de decência, que só uma democracia constitucional pode oferecer.

Só regressaria ao seu país de origem décadas depois, numa atmosfera mais leve e sustentável, após a queda do muro de Berlim e as mudanças políticas subsequentes.

A substância dos seus romances é claramente, numa leitura mais profunda, e já longe dos clichés das “redes sociais”, a luta contra a opressão e a manipulação psicológica, hoje encarnadas, numa Europa onde se joga ainda o futuro, na pequenez do sr. Putin e na sua guerra de agressão contra a Ucrânia.

O Ser Humano só encontrará, pois, a sua leveza e tranquilidade espiritual na santa Liberdade, que, para Tocqueville, consiste num tipo de encanto mui especial, ou seja, nesse sublime “prazer de falar, agir e respirar sem constrangimentos, sob o governo de Deus e das leis”.

Kundera assumiu, mais do que ninguém, esta infinita responsabilidade, a única, ouso dizer, capaz de dignificar a República das Letras.

E por isso soube ser um ESCRITOR maior, de fina sensibilidade, estética apurada, cultura e alma humana. Buscando sempre o arquétipo primordial.

A Arte, nesta superior dimensão, supera, decerto, o Tempo e todas as misérias deste mundo!


  1. Milan Kundera, the esteemed Czech author, has not only distinguished himself as a literary luminary but also as a steadfast advocate for democracy and a vocal critic of Marxist ideologies. Throughout his life and work, Kundera has demonstrated a deep commitment to individual freedom, human dignity, and preserving democratic principles.

    As a writer who experienced firsthand the oppressive regime of communist Czechoslovakia, Kundera witnessed the detrimental effects of Marxist ideology on personal liberties and artistic expression. In his novels, essays, and interviews, he fearlessly confronted the flaws and hypocrisies of Marxist regimes, exposing the inherent dangers of totalitarianism and the erosion of individual agency.

    Kundera’s works, such as “The Joke” and “The Book of Laughter and Forgetting,” are potent critiques of the repressive political systems that dominated Eastern Europe during the Cold War era. Through his poignant storytelling and astute observations, he revealed the dehumanizing consequences of an ideology prioritizing collective conformity over individual autonomy and creativity.

    While Kundera’s writing explores complex themes and delves into the depths of human psychology, his narratives often serve as allegories for the struggles individuals face under oppressive political regimes. He elucidates the profound impact of totalitarianism on the human spirit, demonstrating the relentless pursuit of power and control at the expense of human dignity and personal freedom.

    In addition to his literary contributions, Kundera actively participated in political discourse, engaging in intellectual debates and defending democratic values. He championed free speech, critical thinking, and the power of dissent, underscoring the importance of a society that encourages open dialogue and respects diverse perspectives.

    Kundera’s unwavering commitment to democracy arises from his belief in every individual’s inherent worth and agency. He recognizes the indispensability of personal freedom in fostering creativity, intellectual growth, and the flourishing of society as a whole. Through his works, Kundera reminds us of the fundamental importance of democratic institutions safeguarding individual rights and ensuring the vibrant exchange of ideas.

    Milan Kundera’s legacy as Democrat and an anti-Marxist is of intellectual courage and moral conviction. His literary contributions captivate readers with their exquisite prose and serve as a powerful reminder of the enduring struggle for human freedom and the necessity of defending democratic principles.

    In a world where the battle between democracy and authoritarianism persists, Kundera’s unwavering dedication to individual liberties continues to inspire generations. His insights into the dangers of totalitarianism and his celebration of the human spirit provide a profound reminder of the importance of preserving and nurturing democratic values.

    Through his life’s work, Milan Kundera has left an indelible mark as a visionary who defied oppressive systems and championed the cause of freedom. As readers continue to engage with his thought-provoking and insightful writings, they are reminded of the invaluable lessons he imparts: the need for constant vigilance in safeguarding democratic principles and the immense power of literature to challenge and reshape our understanding of the world.

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